Welcome to Radio GDR! We are a history podcast dedicated to preserving the life and times of East Germany. Please check out our episodes and leave us a review!
Hello Radio GDR listeners! I am so pleased to bring you the second episode of two with my new friend Herta Peter. My favorite thing about doing this podcast is hearing stories from those of you who lived in the GDR. Your sto…
Hello Radio GDR listeners! I am so pleased to bring you the first episode of two with my new friend Herta Peter. My favorite thing about doing this podcast is hearing stories from those of you who lived in the GDR. Your stor…
Hello everyone! Season 4 is coming! We also have a new domain this season - . Please do visit us soon to tell us your GDR story! I'll be updating show notes across old episodes so you can the same great content at our new we…
In this episode John Paul Kleiner ( GDR Objectified blog ) speaks with Attila the Stockbroker , an English poet, musician and songwriter with roots in the punk movement and socialist politics. During his forty year career as…
In 1952, a 24-year old American soldier defected to the Eastern Bloc in order to avoid a US Army disciplinary hearing and what he feared would be draconian punishment for his involvement in socialist and communist politics i…
I am truly honored to be joined today by author and illustrator Vesper Stamper who in 2022 published Berliners, a historical fiction about two twin brothers, Rudi and Peter, who end up divided by their views of the GDR and t…